Snorkeling is a popular recreational activity, particularly at tropical resort locations. The primary appeal is the opportunity to observe underwater life in a natural setting without the complicated equipment and training required for scuba diving. It appeals to all ages because of how little effort there is, and without the exhaled bubbles of scuba-diving equipment. Diving is one of the most popular Olympic sports with spectators. Competitors possess many of the same characteristics as gymnasts and dancers, including strength, flexibility, kinaesthetic
judgment and air awareness. Some professional divers were originally
gymnasts or dancers as both the sports have similar characteristics to
diving. Swimming is an individual or team sport and activity. Competitive
swimming is one of the most popular Olympic sports, with events in
freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. In addition to these
individual events.
Tauchschule auf Teneriffa - Divingschool on Tenerife | |
Bluefintenerife | Bluefin Tenerife sport Fishing |